Peeling Paint is the bane of the existence of painters and home owners alike. It can take a long time to remove properly, to clean up, and effectively repair. The source of the problem can be easy to diagnose and other times it requires a tuned in expert! Lets explore why paint would be peeling on a metal roof with some real life experience to back it up!
First off I have to ask...You didn't paint your roof with regular exterior house paint did you? That would be a really easy to diagnose reason for why the paint keeps on peeling! Really when it comes down to this challenge, there were some lapses in knowlege of paint products and preparation for this to occur. Sometimes its an innocent mistake, other times its downright negligence. So I must say it if you want it perfect, if you want it long lasting, if you want to do it right, Warning: Do Not Paint A Roof Without Good Advice!
There are so many questions to be asked about this topic that we can't ignore. Or we may end up with the question...."Why does my metal roof keep peeling its paint??" There's a whole story behind what went into a mistake and what more can be done to correct it. I'll also say that not every expert has the answers, including myself, certainly. But at least we will have a point of reference to better guide you along in the process, with a greater chance of success.
I'm a huge advocate for people to take their challenges into their own hands and address them. As a professional painter, however, I have seen extremely expensive to correct mistakes. Sometimes it simply isn't in budget to really correct them. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say. Painting requires often a good deal of hands on labor and some research to know what is the best. It's easy to think that anyone can do it, I mean the products that you see for sale- say a Kynar coated Hunter Green Roofing Panel- They're so common! Just go over to your local Home Depot or Lowes and see!.
These products have an industrial story behind them that few homeowner or even professional painters even have the capacity to try to replicate. There's special sprayers, special preparation, special paints, special drying processes, so many mechanical pieces to put together--the environment in which it's done needs to be just right....Its really detail oriented to get the thing done well! That's something that requires a specialist really, and there aren't too many of them around.
The Kynar coated roof is an extreme example, there are more accessible ways to go about it, however few of them are reliably proven to actually work. Or even look good. How about this, I'll make a deal with you. Just give me a call or write an email and I can simply help you with your problem to gain clarity on it. That way I can help you more efficiently. I just have to ask, "What is it you're trying to do? How Can I Help?" From there we can accomplish many things.
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